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Stop the Gym Series

Writer's picture: Steve AndelkovicSteve Andelkovic

Updated: Jan 13, 2022

I’m thinking of starting a YouTube series to highlight the idea of not fixating on exercise, supposedly to cure our vanity, weight, health, illnesses, diseases, and mental health. So, ‘Stop the Gym’ is a click bait type title to draw attention to this counterintuitive answer to our whole diet and exercise complex answer all approach. The whole exercise/fitness industry even uses their own click bait terms to get the business through the door, and these days getting action from people’s credit cards for access to magical food/substances and some sort of body transformation physique popping actions which are miraculous. More like miracle seeking.

Well, the whole Einstein thing, if he actually said this, that doing the same thing over and over and expecting a better result is the definition of insanity. My dear reader of this, we are all insane if we still subscribe to diet restriction and exercise as the answer to all health and self esteem pursuits. Those readers mowing of my approach will guess it’s all a nutrition issue. Not getting enough of the essential micro nutrients that all vertebrates require to not be ill and live longer. For us this transpires to health, and better physique, living longer, improved mental health, fertility, and general life success also.

I‘ll be attempting to suggest, I actually know for sure, that exercise could, and most often and most people hampers our down stream health outcomes because exercise depletes us of much required micronutrients which are already difficult to gain in our food supply chain these days. It was also way on the decline since WWII and even before this in the US. The US had a head start in their health woes being the First Nation to deploy heavy the whole electricity complex. This brought with it the massive infrastructure requirements of hydroelectric dams which mitigated floods and our now last remaining means of minerals getting to our farmland soils and therefore in our food. This is the only means we get minerals, it’s not a miraculous just happens thing as the crop grows. If your go to scientist, doctor, dietician, or personal trainer doesn’t understand this, or yourself, your future downstream health is adverse.

Later on in your advancing years you’ll be blaming age, lifestyle choices, and genes on your failing health. It all started with your micronutrient deficiencies then accelerated when you started exercising. It’s ok to exercise, but we better be supplementing or you’ll be living a shorter life vs a sedentary couch sitter if Netflix watching westerner. Organisations with skin in the game that understand the shorter life outcomes of athletes just know the stats, they don’t understand why or how. In this proposed series I tell you why exercise hampers life expectancy and early health issues. Micronutrients and making those micronutrients reach where it must go to actual work on your body. This opens up the caveats which we need to understand so we get the best efficacy of this understanding.

It‘s not just a matter of taking the advocated supplements I keep suggesting in my several online spaces. Absorption, food sensitivit, and digestion are part of the mix also. And yes there is a diet restriction chassis we need to arm ourselves with but this is more a body function consideration, not the idea to restricting calories. Each individual case will have its own nuances depending on conditions and history. I wish there was one formula, in a way there is one, but time of result realisation is dependant, on age, weight, condition/comorbidities, adherence, and social management - you will be ridiculed I’m afraid. My experience had less ridicule but it was more of a dismissal, and that continues, everyone is just thinking when will he fall off this wagon, again.

By the current 17 month mark usually that statistic of 98% failed weight management attempts 90% has happened in the first 12 months. And it gets the so called successful ones too. I was one. I kept slim for at least 15 years. But it came back. Hard. After the initial reduction of weight, mainly to get laid and think of marriage and that whole life stage complex, from 120kg to the 80 - 90 range I blew out to somewhere past 170kg. I state the weight this way because there are few scales out there that accept hefty weights such as that. It was a dark place and my statistical health profile suggested death in around 15 years, from age 47.

This weight and general health existence with 6 other chronic health illnesses was while still engaging in answers to my health predicament. I notched up around 10000 hours but that point. Then came the big slap in the face in the form of a podcast. It changed existence to now be offering health answers and being an evangelist for what is the real health concept at our throats. Micronutrients. And that my dear dearer is part of the no gym/exercise more accurate idea in getting some form of this idea out. Most people are dismissing my advocacy, even when the results are seen and the arguments used to illustrate the importance of micronutrients is irrefutable.

Finally a bit more on the whole diet/exercise thing. Our sweat is lost micronutrients, not just fluid and electrolyte loss. So if your really need to exercise you better supplement a lot or you won’t get past the average life expectancy. If you do make it into your 80s then you could‘ve been one of those 100+ year olds, but you cut yourself all those years. But also not just in total years lived. Maybe those decrepit years of illness and misery won’t be so grand. So if you’d like to extend your health years from a 1/4 to a 1/2 a century, I suggest either start thinking about my health concept chassis from all the free content or go the paid Concierge Health Advisor route here for a targeted approach for way better outcome success from illness and life quality.

Concierge Health Advisor link:



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