There is a whole book deserving this title and article but I don’t want to wait months before publishing it and only have myself and my mother buying a copy. So here is the idea/hypothesis/concept in this essay type form. In my discussion points here are thoughts/theory/fact/not understood issue which is harming and eventually killings us at an increasing rate which we have misunderstood in the past and will continue to misunderstand and theorise going forward. Straight to the point in valuing the readers interest and possible high time preference, the idea summary is as follows: We will be blaming climate change and the environment in health choice/genes/and toxins as understood in the mainstream healthcare narrative to be harming us and reducing our life expectancy, immediate health concerns, and chronic disease. I contend the cause of our current health woes are not understood. The rationales in place now are appetising and make sense to most as a quick motivation to have an answer and then proceed with life. This haste is an error with unseen and misunderstood roots, but we all see the same dying tree (human health).
Some will blame the dying tree, us, due to genes, maybe diet choices and lifestyle, maybe vaccines, maybe toxins which have their own splintering of maybes from EMF exposure, cleaning products, food additives etc, hormones perhaps. Now let’s try fossil fuels and therefore climate change? Well I’ll tell you it’s many of the above but not as we observe/see/understand/hypothesize/formulate/conceive/taught/directed/peer reviewed/published/mandated/legislated/or lobbied. Can you also get the gist of the language alone involved? Never mind the ideological strategy/tack/slant/preference/status maintenance of those involved in the commentary/authority/decision making side of the ‘skin in the game’ part of the structure of explanation/answer provision/investing/purchasing/and general life decision making process of individuals. And there is further indication on the language and stakeholder complex which makes up the understanding and human action (borrowing Mises) part of the divide in what is impacting health and longer term lowering life expectancy and possible extinction. No, our much shared idea of increased life expectancy is not the reality. Yes this is the ultimate fate we face if what I’m discussing here isn’t addressed fairly soon.
My own concept understanding has no formal academic base or credential status seeking which many readers and other concept subscribers may look for. I would suggest this at least means I’m free to push boundaries which won’t impact my career if credentials are part of professional and governing body membership. Having a multiple undergraduate academic background, there is some base in the ability to forming an argument here. So let’s progress. I contend that the whole climate change and our current chronic health status complex is interrelated, but with unseen/misunderstood realities. To illustrate where we sit in the humanity killer or harm agent idea to continue relating the title of this article is what has exposed us to the our current health woes. These are: extinct dinosaurs, Ancient Egypt wheat introduction as our staple grain, and the invention of electricity.
I already envisage the cogs of some people turning to think I’m going to now reference meteor strikes, fall of empires, and electromagnetic radiation which is causing this? No. Also many will suggest/thrust upon the author that we are continually increasing our life expectancy? Doesn’t the author know that we have doubled our life expectancy since 1900? I would swiftly respond that we have not moved our life expectancy since 1850 or 400BC. Or if you really want to use hyperbole why not reference that we have increased life expectancy 10X since the Ukraine holodomor 1930s? It’s complicated! Seen versus unseen contributors of health and longevity. More accurately is our rationales are way off the mark. I’ll set the stage further now. Micro nutrients and climate are the elephant and tiger in the room. In that order. But not our food choices and climate change (the way we know or are told in the fossil fuel narrative).
I’ll start with the dinosaurs. The most plausible explanation for dinosaurs becoming extinct with substantiated evidence is that volcanic activity reduced greatly around 66 million years ago which reduced the oxygen concentration in the atmosphere from 50% to 38%. That 38% oxygen composition in our breathable air was sustained from 65 million years ago till around 1900 it then went south from this point. If I was reading this I’d want to know what’s next regarding this idea. But please hang on to this figure as I want to go chronologically in the events that brings us to this point of health. Ancient Egypt now. The staple grain used to be millet 5000 years ago and was switched to wheat as a better economic utility rationale - a cheaper yield and storage advantage of multiple years. This introduced the pro inflammatory cytokine injury of the small intestines over decades in a drip drip manner.
Unknowingly of course, this contributed to 98% of us are affected by an increase of malabsorption of the villi in the small intestine which reduces the uptake of micronutrients. This contributes to our life expectancy ceiling we currently have, while increasing our chronic disease complex we are also experiencing. No, not all those contributing factors we think about mentioned earlier about lifestyle choices, genes, etc. impacting our health. All disease is caused by micronutrient deficiencies. Disease is not a chance occurrence or your genes, and the reason for not having a gene therapy that exists yet is because genes aren’t the issue. I could make a bet with any takers that there will never be a gene therapy, ever, no matter how much money is misguided into the space. How we age currently is due to nutrient deficiencies also.
Grey hair and wrinkles are a copper deficiency for example, more accurately is a high correlation with other micronutrients lacking also. And further accurately is our ability to absorb after a particular age which is the whole gluten injury over time phenomenon. The only thing which is genetic is our household diet, gluten sensitivity, and digestion which gives us those so called genetic factors of greying, weight management, or even balding (tin deficiency/absorption). How would I explain the modern day disease issues such as autism and autoimmune disease epidemic? Obesity too! This is where the invention of electricity comes in.
Monday September 4 1882 in the bluff overlooking the construction of the Brooklyn Bridge was when our health turned for the worse. Thomas Edison flicked the switch (his engineer) of the first electricity power plant to the first 60 commercial customers in New York. Unknowingly, even ignored to this day is all those 1 million hydroelectric dams in the world have mitigated the seasonal flooding which once nourished our farming soils from the silt of ground up rock and up stream vegetation with the minerals which ended up in our food. If the minerals aren’t in the soil, they won’t end up in our food. If your doctor, dietician, or personal trainer doesn’t acknowledge or is aware of this then they are quacks, not me. And before the dams were all constructed all the ashes we used to place on our crops was also ceased. Again unknowingly, we used to get minerals from those ashes into the soil, hence ending up in our food and nourishing us.
The progression of the junk food industry was a manifestation of this malnourishment progression. I would also add the exotic cuisines complex as part of a phenomenon called pica. But I’d also controversially further add that the whole drinking, smoking, and drug taking complex as part of pica also. A Google search suggests pica is a non food craving on chewing on things with no nutritional value. I’m afraid this goes far beyond this explanation. We are basically starving for micronutrients and our body isn’t smart enough to direct us to what micronutrients are required. All we experience is the whole craving complex which varies in individuals because our deficiencies are also varied. If you bring will power to not eat a lot or eating ‘bad food’ then you have pica. Drinking, smoking, and drugs too. Before snack foods started to enter our lives we used to lick a bit of ash as an example. There are writings in the 19th century of this sort of habit. Pica dear reader. Ash had many of the minerals we require for health behind the 99% carbon waste many would brush over. Now we are only guaranteed of getting NPK (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) the only minerals that crops require to grow the most per dollar spent.
How about the 60+ minerals we require which are declared essential? Our soil depletion rate of minerals was already on a downward spiral in the US as highlighted in the 1936 senate document 264 showing a 64% depleted state. This was ignored over time due to misunderstanding or ignorance. The reason why the US is far advanced in their obesity, chronic disease, and lower comparative life expectancy is because they had a several decade head start on the whole soil depletion rate. And a quick addition for interest sake and thought provoking figure - the US spends more on healthcare than the rest of the world combined and still only ranks outside the top 40 nations in life expectancy. That surely has to resonate. It’s their life choices etc. then the reader still hasn’t grasped what’s happening. Don’t worry, the Asians are catching up with their own chronic health concerns as they build their dams also (therefore nutrient deficiencies leading to greater chronic health concerns and lower life expectancy).
On trial is the whole supposed carbon emissions complex leading to climate change. I wonder what happened to global warming and the Ozone layer issue? Climate change sounds real with a massive body of evidence to support climate change. I do get it. Pity it is wrong. There has been many a theory though the ages with evidence and reason which has been wrong. Coinciding with the industrial revolution and carbon emissions is this whole micronutrients deficiency complex in many other organisms on the planet. This brings us back to the oxygen composition drop. I’ve seen figures that we are at 19% oxygen in the atmosphere, half that of the 1900 38% figure I mentioned earlier. Do you see the potential that the wrong humanity killer is on trial? While another search on google has given me a figure of 21% oxygen we are breathing, in any event this composition is dropping, not from carbon emissions and the fossil fuel complex.
The answer my dear rare reader of my articles lies in the micronutrient deficiencies of marine organisms. Yeeerp. Algae makes up 60% of the world’s biomass and it requires at least 18 minerals. The minerals in particular are being held back behind all those dam walls producing electricity, add to this the 2 million dams used for irrigation. (Remember the 1 million hydroelectric dam figure too?). While we aren’t being nourished, it’s also the algae and therefore the downstream food chain effects in our oceans and dam effected waterways. The oceans are dying due to not enough algae survival, algae produces a lot of the oxygen supply we require. Is that enough to ditch the fossil fuel climate change concept. For most that is a NO still. What has contributed to and coincided with the dying Great Barrier Reef? First to the west with 40 dams built in recent decades in Queensland, then the north Great Barrier Reef is dying from building those Papua New Guinea dams (to the north of the reef). Therefore trapped micronutrients behind the dam walls! Maybe to whole fossil fuel theory is appetising to most and a skin in the game factor for many. This may end careers if this micronutrient deficiency theory takes hold.
Next there is a common belief that an increase in cancer rates is due to longer life expectancies. That is wrong also I’m afraid. That oxygen composition drop over the last century is one of the contributors to that on top of the already theorised micronutrients deficiency complex. I do hope readers know or now know that theory is the step just before a fact or axiom. What many use as theory really deserves to be called a hypothesis. For me these concepts I’m suggesting here are fact, but I can’t quack myself that easy, I need to get readers to really consider all this really seriously, our health and life depends on it. If at some point we reach 17% oxygen in the atmosphere 15%, 12%? And we are all observing a jump in cancer and even faster progression of chronic disease, will we blame the vaccines, 5G, global warming, toxins, hormones, or bad diets etc.? I myself entertained the appetising antivax etc. side of the aisle, but not for long though in my own journey into working all these interrelationships out while working on and taking matters into my own hands of my own health woes.
My supposed 6 chronic illnesses which there are no cures for have all been eradicated by supplementing the 90 plus micronutrients we and all vertebrates require daily. If there are all of a sudden (decades is sudden in the scheme of human existence) these health, climate, animal extinction, and environmental issues, it is very plausible that there is one particular change agent - micronutrient deficiencies in the biomass (including humans) of this ball we are swinging on (Earth). Many readers will still suggest fossil fuels are the change agent. I’d also add/challenge the unmovables with the observation that why was it 200 years since the start of the industrial revolution that we started to see an uptick in obesity? The answer, because it was only a couple of decades since the invention of electricity and the ceasing of ash practice - eating it and using it as fertiliser (there once used to be ash merchants), then an acceleration of obesity and other chronic illness rates when we started building the 3 million dams we have on this blue/green sphere we live on.
Then I’d like to suggest a comparison of notes in 10 years or 30 years type thing, if you’re still alive, on your own health, and mine, and the progression of the planet woes. What are your sources? What are your credentials? I’m afraid that most/all that are spoon-fed a tree in front of their face (evidence) will still ignore the forest (issues at hand). I hope this resonates with someone out there to perhaps make it more known, as I’m a terrible marketer. I’ve spent 12000 plus hours on answering my own perplexing health occurrences while also discovering the related global ideas in this piece. I’m not the originator of the separate concepts rolled out here, but I’d like to think I’ve put them together in a compacted manner in this one place. There is one main source, individual thinker which has nutted these concepts out, and should have 8-10 Nobel Peace Prizes. Who, who? I won’t spoon-feed that either and it’s made known in my own body of material (links attached). Even when this is discovered by eager readers perhaps the last dousing of the flame will bury the real humanity killer while blaming the wrong suspects.
Concierge Health Advisor link: